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Small Business Loans

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Your Business is Our Business with a

Small Business Loan


Ready to start, sustain, or grow your small business? Take advantage of a microloan of up to $50,000 from American 1! Our Boldly Generous Rates+, simple application process and flexible terms will give you the resources to continue what you do best. As a business owner in the state of Michigan, you are able to apply for an auto loan+other secured loan+, an unsecured loan+, and a Business Rewards Credit Card+.  

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Choose a Small Business Loan

Generous Business Products

Our designated Small Business Lending Specialist will work with you every step of the way. They will  learn your business and build a lending plan catered to your organization. 

Convenient Options


American 1 offers loan options to fit your situation and to help you obtain your business goals.

Uncomplicated Banking


Do all of your banking with American 1 with our business-made checking & saving accounts that fit your needs. Expenses happen, so earn rewards for your spending with an American 1 Business Rewards Card.




Business Rewards Credit Card

Earn Rewards for Every Day Expenses

Expenses happen. Apply for our variable rewards card+, and your business will have an available line of credit for when you need it most while taking advantage of the following perks.

  • No application fee, annual fee, balance transfer fee, or cash advance fee.
  • Low minimum monthly payment
  • Rewards - Earn 1 point for every $1 spent on purchases!
  • A catalog of card designs to choose from that can be printed directly in the branch
  • Rates as low as 7.74%* APY + Index**


Rewards Credit Card

Other American 1 Products

American 1 offers a full suite of business financial products to help contribute to the financial wellness of your business. 

Savings Account

Business Savings

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Checking Account

Business Checking

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Small Business Loan & Credit Card Application

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We believe in the financial wellness of your business

Financial Wellness Resources


+Subject to credit approval and underwriting requirements. 

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

**"Variable rates may change based on Index rate. Index rate (or Prime rate), as published in the Wall Street Journal on the last day of each calendar month."