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Secured Credit Card

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Financial Freedom Starts With Us

Looking for a way to build or rebuild your credit? The Rewards Secured Visa offers a simple, secure way to get started. With a cash deposit as collateral, you can establish healthy credit habits while having access to a reliable payment option. Plus, you’ll earn reward points as you go!

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Women Holding Card

Express Yourself

Get your new credit card before you walk out the door—printed instantly at American 1! Plus, make it your own by selecting a custom design from our image catalog below.

*Member must be in good standing with American 1 Credit Union at the time of application to qualify- not delinquent on any loan or having negative share balances. Applicants must meet all eligibility and underwriter requirements. A cash deposit must be placed in a Secured Share Savings Account equal to the credit limit prior to usage; please note, withdrawals from the?Secured Share Savings are not permitted while the Secured Credit Card is open. Available credit limit ranges from $500 to $5,000. Secured Credit Card may be eligible for conversion to Unsecured Credit Card after 12 months; application and credit pull will be required for conversion. Opt-In of Online Banking and Savvy Money required.  Rates and terms subject to change.

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