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Summer Job Income

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Summer Job Income


During High School and College, we all look forward to summer vacation, but one way to spend it is to get a summer job. There are multiple jobs you can get. Getting a summer job can provide real opportunities to use that money to benefit your future. Here are some ways you can use your income.

  • Pay your tuition bills – Begin saving for your tuition bill. College is an expensive journey, and any amount you can pay toward your account means fewer student loans for you!
  • Pay off credit card debt – When you’re a student, you’ll likely encounter an unexpected expense, like a medical bill or car repair. Use that summer income to pay off this debt. That way, when you begin the school year, you won’t have to worry about your credit card bill. Doing this will help you build your credit score.
  • Build an emergency fund – If you don’t have a credit card, start building your savings account. Without a credit card, this will be your best line of defense for unexpected expenses.

There are other ways you can use your summer income! To learn more, visit this article by The Motley Fool.

If you would like to have a credit card for emergencies, American 1 Credit Union offers competitive rates. Stop into your local branch, or apply here.

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