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All American 1 branch locations will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Shopping Local for the Holidays

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Shopping Local for the Holidays


Everyone loves epic sales during the holiday season from the big box stores. The deals you find at national retailers can be very enticing but consider shopping at local businesses this year. Over the past 18 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on small local businesses, and they could use your help more than ever. Besides the pandemic, here are some other reasons to support your local businesses this holiday season:

  • It’s better for the environment – By staying local, you are using less gas and oil, causing less pollution to the air. While it may not seem like much, small reductions in your carbon footprint will add up over time and help the environment.
  • You’re supporting your local community – When you shop at big retailers, the money doesn’t usually turn around and go back into your community. When you shop locally, however, the money you spend on that company will support the owner, the employees, local suppliers, etc. Your purchase could be assisting those around you with groceries, rent, and so much more.
  • You invest in your community – Shopping at a local business not only helps the owner, but it gives them the chance to invest back into their community through sponsorships, donations, etc. When you can support your town, it provides a strong sense of community and belonging.

Consider getting your presents at local businesses this year. If you want to save money steadily throughout the year, stop into your local American 1 Credit Union and open a Christmas Club account today.

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