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GAP Insurance and Deer Season

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GAP Insurance and Deer Season


Deer Season in Michigan

According to a recent MLive article, the state of Michigan ranks number two in the country for vehicle collisions with animals. It is estimated that 133,000 crashes occurred in 2019, according to numbers that were compiled by insurance providers. There is a one in fifty-four chance that a Michigan driver will have a run-in with an animal on the road which is the fifth highest rate in the nation. Plus, there is more than a 70% chance that the animal will be a deer. You can read the full article by clicking here.

But what happens if you collide with a deer and your car is totaled? Sometimes your insurance company won’t cover the entire cost if you still owe money on your vehicle. This is where GAP insurance steps in. If your insurance company doesn’t cover the remaining cost of the loan and you purchased GAP insurance, GAP will cover the remaining amount the insurance company didn’t cover. Plus, when you purchase GAP insurance through American 1 Credit Union, you will receive $1,000 toward your next vehicle. With deer season ramping up, this would be the ideal time to have this type of coverage. American 1 Credit Union offers this insurance with an auto loan for only $399. Contact any American 1 branch today to get fully covered with GAP insurance!

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