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All American 1 branch locations will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Early Holiday Shopping

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Early Holiday Shopping


Shopping for the holidays in the atmosphere of sales, holiday music, and usually, the smell of roasted nuts in the air is an exhilarating feeling, or to some, exhausting feeling. However, most can agree that one of the best feelings is watching someone open a meaningful gift that you go them. If you prefer shopping from the comfort of your own home and crowds are not your favorite thing, early shopping may be best for you.

There are reports that there is a potential for a consumer goods shortage, so shopping early may be the best option regardless. Here are two other reasons why you should consider shopping early:

  • Crowds – It’s no secret that November and December are some of the busiest shopping times of the year. If you aren’t a shopper, this can be very overwhelming, and shopping ahead of time will help you minimize time spent in busy stores.
  • Budget – If you wait until the holiday season to begin shopping, the expenses of gifts can add up quickly. Planning ahead and saving money in a specific holiday account will help you keep on track and save money in the long run.

If you want to start saving money throughout the year for gifts, stop into your local American 1 Credit Union, and open up a Christmas Club account.

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