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Auto Buying Trends

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Auto Buying Trends


Auto Buying Trends

The things that are important to people when looking for a vehicle have drastically changed over the last year. Below are some trends we’re seeing and some tips to help with your auto buying experience.

People want to own their own car. With the pandemic slowing down most forms of public transportation, it’s become increasingly more popular to want to own your own vehicle. The comfort of not having to depend on public transportation and worries about germs has motivated people to make this decision.

People want deals. With the uncertainty of this pandemic, many people are left wondering how they can save money. If you’ve searched for a car this year, you’ve probably felt this way and are looking for car-buying incentives like low-interest rates.  

People want dealership-like experiences from the comfort of their home. With many moving to online vehicle shopping, the need for test driving from home has soared in popularity. When you test drive from home, someone from the dealership will bring the car to you and will disinfect the vehicle before you get in. Then you can do all the things you’d normally do doing a test drive, without ever stepping foot on a dealership lot.

People want online purchasing and at-home delivery. Dealerships have also transitioned to online transactions for vehicles and are then delivering the vehicles right to customer’s homes. It’s no surprise that with all the things you can buy online that vehicles are getting in on the action.  

You can read more about how trends have shifted in 2020 here.

Do you need help finding the right car? American 1 Credit Union offers an Auto Concierge to help you find and purchase your vehicle! We’ll work with local dealers to help you find the right vehicle for you. Try our Auto Concierge today!

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