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American 1 and TRUE Community Exceed a Half a Million Dollars Raised for the Hospice Home

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American 1 and TRUE Community Exceed a Half a Million Dollars Raised for the Hospice Home


After going strong for 22 years, the annual Hit ‘em Fore Hospice Golf Benefit committee hosted their final golf benefit on Thursday, September 15. The unique partnership of American 1 Credit Union and TRUE Community Credit Union will continue, shifting focus to the existing Lights of Love fundraiser, with all proceeds benefiting the Henry Ford Hospice Home in Jackson.

This year’s golf benefit exceeded fundraising records by raising $71,145.30. Of this total, the team generated a day-of event record of nearly $9,000 through prize raffles, a 50/50 raffle, a pink ball game, mulligan and grenade shot sales, and two Beat the LPGA Pro games.

In 22 years of fundraising, the team raised $516,831.80 for the Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Home.

Also running for more than 20 years, the Lights of Love fundraiser traditionally welcomes the holiday season with the lighting of the evergreens in front of Henry Ford Health Hospital in Jackson. Patrons can purchase tributes to loved ones that will be displayed at the event. To make a gift, visit and submit your information no later than Friday, November 18, to be included on the printed scroll at the unveiling on December 7.

“I am overwhelmed by the passion and commitment displayed by the TRUE Community Credit Union and American 1 Credit Union team,” said Chrissy Siders, President/CEO of TRUE Community Credit Union and Chair of the Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Board. “Our partnership paired with the support from the Henry Ford Jackson team, allows us to come alongside families in our community who desire for their loved one to peacefully pass with first-class end-of-life care at the Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Home. I am honored to be part of this team and the Jackson community and grateful for each individual and business who chose to invest their time and treasures in this cause. While this was our last year hosting the golf outing, I am excited for our future collaboration on Lights of Love as we continue to raise funds for this key legacy-defining moment for those in need.”

Since 2019, American 1 and TRUE Community have joined forces in support of the Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Home.

“There’s something powerful about community members coming together, championing for such an important cause like hospice care, which is why I deeply appreciate the partnership of American 1 and TRUE Community,” said Martha Fuerstenau, President/CEO of American 1 Credit Union and Chair of the Henry Ford Health Jackson Board of Directors. “As we transition to the Lights of Love fundraiser, I look forward to continued success and collaboration for the Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Home.”

The record-breaking proceeds from this year’s event directly benefit local families needing the unique end-of-life care provided by the Hospice Home. Numerous sponsors, supporters, and volunteers, along with the combined energy of the two credit unions, are what contributed to the success of this year’s outing. To view a complete list of 2022 event sponsors, visit

Henry Ford Jackson Hospice Home is the only residence for end-of-life care in Jackson County. The Hospice Home offers private patient rooms with sleeping space for loved ones, a water therapy spa room with a walk-in tub, and features that encourage family gatherings, such as outdoor patios and walking paths, a gazebo and garden, a children’s playground, and two lounge areas with kitchens.

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